Monday, July 27, 2009


So, sometimes I get these ideas and I can't sleep until I get them written down... tonight is one of those nights. I'd like to think it's the mark of a writer, but it could be that I'm just ADD.

I was just thinking about this complex everyone has about being "accepted." I mean, it seems like that's the main goal, right? No one wants to be the odd one out, or heaven forbid... Different. Even though I probably always pretended not to care, I'm sure it has always been a desire of mine (though not always a realization).

But the only person that really has to accept me is me. (Actually, that's not true, because I also need to be accepted by God, but that's in a different way and for a different blog post..)

At the same time, I can't just say "This is who I am, and I can't change." I limit myself when I do that. Why put myself in a box?

So I was thinking about some things I've just accepted about myself. Not saying I couldn't change them if I wanted... but this is me. I've accepted it!

1. I have freckles. I remember as a child one of my great-aunts asking me if I had tried to wash them off... I hadn't. And I didn't. I love them. Maybe it's because I had another great-aunt tell me they were angel kisses (I liked her better anyway).

2. I'm not a size 2. I'm over it.

3. I'm not exactly what you would call a "natural athlete..." I do, however, have a gift for getting hit in the head with soccer balls.

4. I like to read. Given the choice to read or getting hit in the head by one of those soccer balls... I will choose the former. Every time.

5. In reference to number 4... I'm a nerd. Accepted.

6. In reference to number 5... I have a dream of someday attending Hogwarts.

7. I really like being on time (even to the point of neurotic at times). I think this trend switches every other generation... My grandpa is a Nazi about being on time... and my mom is pretty much the opposite. Hence, it's my turn to get those punctual urges.

8. I'm average height... well, more like short. Pluses? I can pretty much always get away with high heels. All boys are tall to me. I never have to worry about my pants being too short.

9. I'm a lover. Not a fighter.

10. I guess 10 is a good round number... I'm pretty dang good at making awkward situations. And let's face it... I love them. (It's like the chicken and the egg... do I love them because I make them so often, or do I make them so often because I love them?)

And that's me.


  1. Anna, you're so darling! I love reading your blog!

  2. You forgot 11. I will add it for you.

    number 11: I'm beautiful inside and out. I have so many talents and abilities. I'm funny, kind- really have the kindest heart, happy, knowledgeable, vibrant and full of life. There is so much in store for me still and I will reach that potential. Accepted.

  3. Haha Mallory. You're the sweetest.

  4. I think if I had to pick a favorite post (and that would be tough) it might be this one...including #11 & angelita!
