Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So, awesome night tonight at the RC. I was chatting tonight with this really cool guy who is going through a rough time. I will call him "Jim" for privacy's sake. We chatted last night also, and he is just really neat because he wants to learn all he can about everything.

Funny parts first.

Funny part #1-He tells me that he cannot keep secrets, or, in other words, he cannot lie. So he always tells the truth (and I honestly believe him about that one). So, when he tells me he will go to church every Sunday, it's true! I also get to have him call me out when I tell him he read one my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon ("You would have said that about any of them...")

Funny part #2-So, yesterday, I taught him a little about baptism. I taught him that part of baptism is that we cover our whole bodies in water. So, today, I guess he was feeling a little sick. He told me he got in his tub, and covered his body completely in water, so he would have God with him. Yes, he tried to baptize himself. Or something like that.

On a more serious note...

Well, he is Hindu, but tonight I was teaching him about Jesus Christ. As I was teaching him that Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins, because of his love for us, and Jim told me that he was crying. I asked him if he believed that Jesus Christ was real, and he said yes. It was the most amazing feeling ever. And then, on top of that, Jim asked me at the end of our conversation why God sends angels to the earth. I told him there were various reasons, including to instruct people, or to warn them. At that point he told me, "You are an angel for me too." Wow. Haven't gotten that one in a while :) Just thought I'd share the moment that made my life tonight.

Did I mention I have the best job ever?

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