Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Go ahead. Judge me.

So... being at BYU is fun. Let me give a few examples why.

I'm in a creative writing class. Yay! Anyway, we had a discussion today about the genre "Creative Non-Fiction." The last 3 weeks we have been reading, writing, and studying this genre. Apparently this week there was a discussion over Blackboard about whether the scriptures count as creative non-fiction. Evidence #1 why being at BYU is fun.

Evidence #2: The arguments for both sides.
ANTI: The scriptures have great value, but not necessarily in a literary sense.
PRO: The Book of Mormon has lots of good stories! And they're true!
ANTI: Nephi isn't the greatest author ever.
PRO: Yes he is!

What really gets me is one of the ANTI girls. Her argument was "Nephi isn't the greatest author ever" prefaced by "I read the scriptures, I have a testimony, I'm worthy to go to the temple..." Whoa. Why don't you just show me your temple recommend before giving your opinion? I don't know why some people are so scared of being judged.

And later she apologized again. "Now everyone is going to hate me and know me as the girl who hates Nephi." I assured her they wouldn't, but she insisted. NO really.... I don't think anyone's going to care. But I guess she just wants to be the Nephi-hating girl. There has to be one in every class.

Evidence #3: I love how it feels so naughty when we talk about things like (sex) or (feminism) in class.


  1. It's funny because in anatomy, there was only one married person and he would ask the most awkward sex questions. That only would have been that awkward at BYU where no one else in the class actually knew anything about it.

    If you look at the scriptures in a literary way it's appropriate to decide if you like the authors or not....makes perfect sense. I get bored in the beginning of the BOM a lot, but then I remember how immature the premie boys in my BOM class were and think "Wow, Nephi was about this age when he was writing this..."

  2. Anna, I found your blog through Brei's. You look great! I haven't seen you in years and it sounds like your going to BYU right now. That's awesome. Feel free to check out our blog.

  3. bahahahaha! Today is my second day reading this entry because it just makes me giggle.

  4. You should take German 343 with McFarland...except that he's going on sabbatical next year...(but you don't have to know German (ok maybe you do) actually maybe you should just read "Critical Experience" by Cowles. It's not as fun as the class. Or McFarland. They have it in the Humanities section at the library(the book, not the class. Read Ether 12 after every section. :) Anyway, I think Nephi was pretty dang good. So there you go. You know what. Just forget everything. Don't worry about it. Let's have lunch :)

  5. Whoa... German 343????? Yeah right! Haha. Yes, let's do lunch.
