Thursday, July 30, 2009


My mind is still reeling from work tonight. I LOVE MY JOB!!!


1. There are two missionaries (SPANISH) going to Fort Worth on the floor that I work on... and I get to go say hi to them every time I get to work. They love me, I love them... and I've got them so pumped up for Texas. We even got a picture together to show President Thurston. He will eat that up. We also figured out that I will be the sister's great-grandmother.

2. There are people that come to that chat to talk to me. YES! I am there for a reason.. and there are people that I just connect with... right away. It's so amazing being a missionary again.

3. I love the people I work with. They're all so good... and so fun. We're pretty good at keeping each other awake.

4. It keeps me on my toes. It's been a while since I've had to answer some of those hard questions!

5. I remember what's most important.

6. I get to share what I know and LOVE with the whole world!

7. Tengo mas oportunidades para hablar en espaƱol...

Those are just a few I can think of tonight. Looks like I'm getting really into lists... Liel warned me about this...


  1. Estoy orgulloso de ti. Que bueno que tomaste la opportunidad de dejar tu otro trabajo y aceptar una nueva oportunidad.

  2. I just want you to know that you are AMAZING!!! If everyone loved the gospel as much as you the world would be PERFECT. Glad you are loving life.
