Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blogging Dictionary

Here are some blogging terms (more than you probably ever knew or care existed) that I found defined on the Internet:

Archives - A collection of all your posts on one page. Can be categorized by month, etc.

Bleg - To use one’s blog to beg for assistance

Blego - Blog+Ego. Measuring blogger worth

Blog - Short form for weblog

Blog hopping - Jumping from one blog to another

Blogathon - Update your website every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight

Blogathy - I do not want to post today and I do not care about it

Blogger - A person who blogs

Blogger bash - A blogger party

Bloggerel - The same opinion posted repeatedly on a blog

Blogging - The act of posting on blogs

Blogiversary - Your blog birthday

Blogoholic - Addicted to blogging

Blogophobia - Fear of blogs and blogging

Blogopotamus - A long, long blog post

Blogorific - (aka blogtastic) - Something which a blogger says is terrific

Blogorrhea - Unusually high output of articles

Blogosphere - The internet blogging community

Blogroach - A commenter who rudely disagrees with posted content

Blogroll - List of links to other blogs in your sidebar

Blogsit - Maintaining a blog while the primary blogger is on leave

Blogsite - A web site that combines blog feeds from a number of different sources

Blogsnob - Refusing to respond to blog comments from “not-friends”

Blogspot - Free Blogger hosting blog at

Blogstipation - Writer’s block for bloggers. Can't think of what to blog about?

Blogvertising - Also called blogvert. Advertising on a blog

Blurker - A blog reader not posting comments, just lurking around quietly

Comments - Enabling readers to leave their remarks

Doppelblogger - Plagiarize the content of another blogger: to Doppelblog

GAD - Google Adsense Disorder. Repeatedly checking your adsense earnings

Hitnosis - Refreshing your browser repeatedly to see if your hit counter or comments have increased

Post, Entry - Individual articles that make up a blog

Reciprocal Links - Called link love. You link to my blog, I link to yours, to improve search engine rankings

RSS - A family of web feed formats used for Web syndication. Short form for Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0), Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0). WordPress generates RSS 2.0

Tags - Labeling / attaching keywords to collect similar posts

Weblog - An online dated diary listing your periodic thoughts on a specific topic, often in reverse chronological order

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