Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Life Plans

So... what are my life plans?

I've always been a planner. Goal-setter. I've always been ambitious. I'm not trying to braaaag or anything... it's just always been me. I've never been one to wander aimlessly not knowing what I'm going to do in life.

1. Go to college.
2. Become a doctor.
3. Go on a mission.
4. Get married 6 months later.
5. Have 5 kids (maybe more, also adopt some).
6. Be an awesome mom/wife (not to mention good cook).
7. Be successful, live in a comfortable home, have a happy family.
8. Promote world peace.
9. Go on as many more missions as I can.
10. Die.
11. Celestial Kingdom.

It seems like a great plan. So, you might ask, where am I on that life plan? Well, I've almost got the first one checked off. Second one I realized was not for me... we won't even talk about 4 or 5... #3 I can check off! Yay! OKAY, so I've got one of those done. Hallelujah!

I know now, thankfully, I can't plan my life. Do I still try to? Yes. Are there some things I can plan? Yes. Are there some things I most definitely can't plan? YES! Am I okay with that? Sometimes. But I'm learning. There are things that I really want right now. Okay, fine. But there are so many things I have right now that make me so happy. I LOVE school. I LOVE my job. I LOVE my friends.

I don't want to get so caught up in planning or waiting for what's next that I forget what's happening today. I love that I just got my butt kicked on a Shakespeare exam. I've got one time in my life that I get to experience that. Now. I love that I'm running on caffeine because I didn't get hardly any sleep last night. Not sure if I should count on that never happening again... but still. I live once. I'm going to enjoy it.

I don't know exactly what's going to happen.

If you ask me, I'll probably tell you that.

If you ask me why, I won't.

I don't know.

But I love my life.


  1. You forgot number 12 -- live with Carly, form an unbreakable bond, and become the Godmother of her children -- CHECK! Well, almost...

  2. HAHAHA!!!!!!! You are so right! How could I forget that??? (Although I think that one might come in at like number 5 or 6).
