I guess I didn't know what I expected Mesa to be. Kind of deserty. Really hot. Well, it is kind of deserty, but more green than I expected. It is hot, but not as hot as it will be in a few months, I'm sure. I love the palm trees and the orange trees and the stucco houses with the clay roofs. And the fact that everyone has swimming pools. I told Carly that like one person in Mountain Home has a swimming pool. I guess I could get used to it here...
The Higginson's have been great too. I love it when you visit someone's home, and you just feel automatically comfortable. I feel that the Higginsons could be my second family.
Not too many stories this week. I can remember laughing a lot though... like when Mallory called said we were on "the road trip from hell" after missing about 5 turn off's before we actually were headed in the right direction... or this morning when Carly hung her bacon out of her mouth, put her hands up to her head giving herself moose antlers, and turned to Dave. That was great. Dave was so confused. Or when Dave told Carly she had a dusty old uterus. Good times.
That's it. I will think of you as I lay by the pool, sipping lemonade.
what are you doing in arizona? How long are ya staying? Have some fun for me! :)