Monday, June 1, 2009


So, this might be kind of a sad post, but I'm just in one of those moods. I suppose this has been building up for a while. Like, my whole life. Sometimes forgetting is good. In fact, I'm really grateful when I forget about those times I was picked on in elementary school, or how I used to wear stretchy pants with the little foot suspenders, or those times when I just felt completely and utterly alone. Forgetting is a very gracious act of nature.

However, there are some things I don't want to forget. Like the way my mom would help me get ready for my first day of school and give me a big kiss as I would walk out the door, or how fun it was to just be a kid and imagine that I could do anything (and not care about what pants I was wearing), or the times in my life when I have felt completely and utterly happy. Forgetting is painful.

Lately, I have been going through a very real transition of forgetting. I first started realizing it when I would start to speak Spanish, and I would get nervous and kind of tense as soon as I opened my mouth. Where did that come from? I haven't done that since I was a greenie in the mission field! So I started taking preventative measures, like speaking Spanish every time I get the chance. I'm still forgetting, however.

And then I was talking to Louis today on the phone. He's back in Chile after two long years, and has been doing a lot of remembering. In fact, I heard him speaking to one of his co-workers in Spanish, and he sounded like a genuine Chilean.

I started to get sad because I DON'T WANT TO FORGET! It's not just Spanish! It's an entire year and a half of my life that was the most difficult and amazing and eye-opening experience of my entire life, and I'm forgetting? I can't! I can't forget the names, the faces, the Spirit, the people, the love, the smells, the tears...

In the scriptures, the prophets are constantly exhorting us to remember. I suppose they have to remind us so often because we so often forget. So, remembering takes effort. I'm resolved to do so.


  1. I obviously support this idea. We can speak in secret spanish again when I get back.

  2. a. spanish is NOT a secret language.
    2. stretchy pants, and especially ones with the foot things, are NOTHING to be embarassed about. Seriously.
    d. you won't ever completely forget unless you try.

  3. wait, strechy pants with the foot things aren't cool anymore?

  4. Liel,
    I'm completely confused by your numbering/lettering system.

    Apparently they're cooler than I thought they were...

    We can still pretend that Spanish is a secret language. No one will know.
