Friday, March 20, 2009

Where's my dedication?

Okay, so I haven't kept up my blog like I should have, and I was about to make an excuse but I decided against it. Life is crazy no matter what you're doing... and I have a feeling it will only get crazier.
I'm trying to think of the things that have been on my mind lately, and I would have to write a novel in order to address all of those. So I will choose one. I believe I will choose my current infatuation with Spring.
It seems that every time a new season starts, it becomes my favorite. Thus I have a hard time choosing a favorite season, as it is completely contextual. I do, however, find myself tired of mostly all of the seasons at one point or another, except for Spring. It's just that you're cold for so long... and you don't see the sun... and all of the sudden one day you're digging for all your shorts and nice t-shirts in that box of clothes with dust on it. How can anyone get tired of those shorts and t-shirts when they feel so right?!
I feel like now is the appropriate time to address the things that I love about spring:
  1. Flowers, green grass, trees with leaves on them - I can't get enough of it. It is just a lot easier to appreciate life and living when you see everything around you living.
  2. Joggers (male) - short shorts.
  3. Jogging - It is so much easier to go out and exercise when the sun is up and you want to be outside anyway. Plus exercise naturally produces endorphins, or endogenous opioid polypeptides, which everybody loves.
  4. Couples - We have all seen it and now I am going to address it. Maybe it's just where I live but it seems like couples are popping up daisies. It is nice to see guys and girls getting together and being happy. Don't hate, appreciate.
  5. Windows (the kind that you can open) - What a relief to walk into my house and smell fresh air instead of ____________, because the windows are open.
  6. Barbecues - There is nothing like walking outside and smelling the haunting aroma of a delicious barbecue somewhere in the distance. The only thing better than smelling the aforementioned aroma is being invited to that barbecue. I don't want to sound desperate here, but...if you supply the grill then our friendship will be eternally solidified. I might even throw in some of my delicious salsa.
  7. Camping - There is nothing like staying up late talking around the fire or laying out watching the stars. You might smell like hickory for the next week, but it's worth it. I should also mention that on adventures such as these, friends who won't judge/ be scared by your early morning face are a priceless commodity.
  8. Vitamin D - That's right, the vitamin that is naturally produced by your body when you absorb sunlight. There is nothing quite like basking in the sunlight with the knowledge that your body is receiving the vitamin D it needs. Sunlight, in modest proportions, it does your body good.
I hope you will all make your own little lists to celebrate spring. By the way, you can also substitute the phrase "don't hate, date" at the end of number 4. Just a thought.

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