Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dumb it down a bit, would you?

So... I feel like a lot of my posts begin this way.

OH MY WORD it's been FOREVER since I posted!!! I need to get better about that.

Hahaha... well, here's another one. Sometimes my blog posts just come at random times like this one where I have to get up at like six in the morning and should be sleeping.

I also think I have blog posts more often not necessarily when I'm less busy (I was considerably less busy in July than June, for example) but when I'm thinking more. AKA when I'm in school. I guess once I actually graduate, I'm gonna have to do my own thinking.

SO... for the post.

I got off work fairly late one day and was starving, so decided to stop by one of my favorite Mexican joints in Provo. I will keep the name secret as to protect identities of certain people in the story. The owner of this restaurant knows me and we often have interesting conversations (in Spanish) when I stop in. Contrary to what you may believe, this does NOT narrow down the number of restaurants in Provo I could be talking about :)

On this particular occasion, the topic of choice happened to be marriage. Or my lack thereof. The conversation in fact started with "Why aren't you married yet?"

I always wonder how to answer that question. Especially when it's coupled with the statement "You're pretty." (Reference earlier blogpost, "But You're Pretty!!!" for more discussion on this.) (Also, for the record, I think the "but you're pretty" statement is more of an observation on their part that you're not necessarily gorgeous but you're not freakishly ugly in a way that would ward off all potential marriage partners.) Anyway, I decided to answer with my fairly standard answer which is:

"Nada mas no he encontrado el hombre con quien me quiero casar."

In other words:

"I just haven't found the man I want to marry yet."

He then asked me about school and I shared with him some of my academic plans. He went on to tell me about a friend he used to have that reminded him of me. He said she was very pretty, but she studied way too much. That was why she had never been married.

"You've got to make sure you don't scare the men off. They could get intimidated by you if you study too much."

To which I answered:

"Well, I guess I will just have to find a man who is confident enough in himself that he won't be scared off by an intelligent woman."

He thought that sounded like a good plan. And we had a good laugh. Maybe about different things. Maybe he was laughing on the outside while privately thinking I would never get married. I don't know. I was laughing because it was a funny suggestion. A suggestion not entirely without grounds, but entertaining nonetheless.

I'll try not to dumb it down too much. But who knows, if this chronic singleness lasts too long, I might need to start doing something drastic. Watch more daytime TV or something.

*Side note: I realize a lot of my posts are about marriage/dating woes. I am content with my current station in life. I merely find certain attitudes and opinions about these subjects amusing, and therefore am prone to write about them.


  1. Things are good as long as that conversation keeps happening. Once you get to the point where people are afraid to ask you those kind of questions... then that is the time to be worried. Life is good right now. Enjoy it.

  2. You are adorable and I'm excited I found your blog. Let's play lots when I come back next week to Provo. I also want to join you on some of your Mexican food adventures.
