Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Run Away!!!

I finally got the internet at my place, so hopefully this means more blog posts!

Well, folks, I am doing a half marathon. I've been wanting to for like a year now, so I'm glad I finally found one I will actually do. It is the Halloween Half Marathon, and I am way excited. Leave it up to me to choose the race where you get to dress up :)

Here is the website for it if anyone wants to join!!

I think it's funny I'm running a half marathon. Even just a few years ago I would have heard anything with the word "marathon" in it and would have run away screaming, "Please no! For the love of all that is good DON'T make me do it!!!!!!"

However, I actually like running now. Maybe it's hard for anyone else to imagine how grand of an epiphany this is, but running was seriously always the bane of my existence in my growing up years. Even when I attempted cross country, I would run 3 miles and want to puke my guts out and slit my wrists.

If you would have told me that I, just a short 10 years later, would choose to run 13.1 miles out of my OWN free will and choice, well... let's just say I wouldn't have believed you.

All in all, I'm glad this day is here. Maybe in my childhood the rest of my life was so enjoyable that the pain of running was just not something I would choose. Now that my life is a bit more crazy, running seems like the easy part :)

Did I mention I get to dress up for this marathon? Any costume ideas?


  1. Good for you. I am surprised at how many runners there are in provo, it seems like it is the 'to do' type of activity. No suggestion on a costume, but I would advise that you choose something that is flexible enough to be easily adjusted for either really warm or really cold weather.

  2. Hahahaha! I just remember the ONE TIME we decided to sacrifice our dinner appointment so we could run. I still dislike running. Maybe someday I will learn to love it like you have.

  3. superwoman of course. was that a rhetorical question? it just makes sense.
