Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A really funny (or should I say suave?) anecdote, for lack of a better title

So, in order to tell this story I may have to do a brief Spanish lesson.

In Spanish, the word "suave" can mean "soft."

It can also mean "cool"... you know... like suuuaaaave.

Anyway, I was teaching pronunciation to my new missionaries on Monday. I was telling them that a lot of the letters, such as the "t" and the "d", are more "suave" in espanol. As in soft.

Well, one of the elders raised his hand at the end of the lesson and said, "I just want to say that English is the language of strong men who built this country and fought for freedom (etc. etc.)" something along those lines. I kind of just looked at him like... okay... not sure where this is coming from.

Me: "Okay, that's great, but what does it have to do with pronunciation?"

Elder D: "Well, you keep saying Spanish is more suave. I mean, English is cool too."

Me: (giggles) "Elder D, I meant 'suave' as in soft. The letters are softer in Spanish. Not cooler."

Elder D: "Oh... I guess I was thinking of 'suave' in a different way. Like my shampoo."

Some things just get lost in translation, you know? Gotta treasure those moments.

P.S. Elder D is my new fave.

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