Wednesday, June 16, 2010

But you're PRETTY!!!

FOR ONE today was one of the craziest (and by craziest I mean worst and by worst I mean so many things went wrong) that I have had in a LONG TIME. SO I hope that means somethin GREAT is just around the corner. That's what I hear happens when everything is going wrong :)

ANYWAY sometimes this thing happens with my classes at the MTC where they find out I'm single. It's inevitable. And what is also inevitable with missionaries is that when they find our you're single, it somehow becomes their job to make sure you get married.

This brings us to Sister Ramirez. When the subject of my singleness comes up, she said, "Pero hermana eres bien bonita y buena y como es que no puedes encontrar un esposo??!! Por seguro hay muchos hombres en Utah!!!"

Right. I should probably translate that.

"But sister you are really pretty and good and how is it that you can't find a husband??!!! Surely there are a lot of men in Utah!!!"

It's true. Apparently all you need are good looks (check) and goodness ... and a supply of men... and you're set. If only it were that simple.

Maybe it is that simple.

Am I complicating things?


  1. it's both anna! it is complicated and simple. falling in love is simple, but finding the right person at the right time is complicated. Advise from an old spinster: enjoy the happy and don't worry. God is in charge!!!!! Kellie

  2. Anna, Focus on what you want. I don't remember where I got this quote but it's important to understande: " If you send out a vibrational energy that you don't have what you want, you will end up with more of the same-more of what you don't want and less of what you do want. Focus on the present, be grateful, do the right thing and "it" will happen!

    Tu tio Dan

  3. Ha ha. That sounds like what my dad used to say to me when I was still in Provo. That and that he'd give me 100 bucks if I kissed two different boys between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Really, Dad?
