Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Hollywood Moment

Okay, so I've had my scooter for like 2 weeks now, and it is seriously the BEST purchase I have made in my life. I haven't bought groceries in 2 weeks either but guess what... WORTH IT. Anyway, I want to tell the story of the guy who sold it to me. And this is exactly how it went, I promise. Slightly reminiscent of my "Latin lover" post for those of you long-time followers.

"Meet me in the parking garage" he texts me, and I hesitate. This is a complete stranger. What am I doing meeting a complete stranger in a parking garage? But I decide to take a chance. My high heels echo as I walk down the stairs into the empty parking garage. "How am I going to even recognize this guy?" I think. All I know about him is his name. Nick. I begin to get nervous, and fidget with my long, flowing, luscious brown hair. Then I see him.

Nick. Wait... I'm here for the bike, right? I completely forget my nervousness.

"Hey, you must be Nick!" I say, giggling.

"And you must be Anna." He says, flashing a gorgeous smile. "Well, here's the bike. You wanna take her for a ride?" He says and begins to turn it on. He hops on the bike and smoothly pulls it out of its parking spot. That doesn't look so hard. "Here ya go." He says, hopping off. I jump on the bike and begin to go forward. Slowly. I go forward in quick spurts, and then get scared and slow down. I circle the parking garage and make it back to where Nick is standing.

He just laughs. "Here, let me take you for a ride." He says. I scoot back as he jumps on the bike. "You might want this." He says, as he hands me his helmet. I barely have time to buckle it under my chin as we shoot forward, out of the parking garage. My arms immediately go around his waist as I hold on for dear life. I can't help but notice how strong he feels as I hold on tighter to his stable body. I could get used to this. We speed down the street and even though I have my helmet on, I can feel the wind whipping my long brown hair around my shoulders. It feels so good. I begin to laugh and he smiles, picking up the speed. I wonder where he'll take me.

We ride around Provo, feeling free on the road. Just the two of us. The summer air rushing through us, the sun warming our skin. We finally end up back at the parking garage. I don't want this to be over.

I step off the back of the bike and pull off my helmet, letting my long hair fall down. "Anna, I would only let this bike go to someone as cool as you. Plus, if you buy it, maybe I'll still get to see it." He says, taking my hands. We look at each other's eyes, and he pulls me in close.


Okay, so maybe this was my imagination. Don't you ever take moments in your life and kind of imagine them as if they were a part of a movie? Well, I do. Afterwards I was laughing as I pictured this event in my head and then decided to spice it up a little bit. Who cares if it really happened that way? I can pretend I did. And that's almost more fun.

P.S. The real story involves a little more of my brother being present and asking a bunch of questions about the scooter to make sure his sister doesn't get ripped off. It also involves a little less muscle, and a little less smoothness. While I did ride on the back of Nick's scooter, it was a lot more awkward. He still sold me on it though. That much of the story is true.


  1. ha ha ha! You make me laugh sooo hard! Hope you are doing great!

  2. I love it, you are so funny! Quite creative, for a second there I thought I was reading a romance novel, and the guy looked like taylor lautner. Maybe nick will stumble across your blog and help bring more of the story to this side of reality.

  3. You had me going!! I was seriously getting sucked in to the story! I love your writing style - you really need to write a book!! : )

  4. So funny!! and YES I do daydream in "movie form"!
