Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I really do want to write something profound, honest.

Haha, I'm just sitting here waiting for an idea to come about which I could write. I've had a few, but they're lame. It's kind of ironic - now that I actually have time to write in my blog, I have nothing to write about.

What I do lately is wake up, read, do some sort of exercise, read, get ready, make dinner, read, attend siblings' extracurricular activities, sleep, repeat. It's not too intellectually stimulating. Maybe it's because I've been reading the book "Body for Life: for Women." I've been thinking lately that I want to start lifting weights at the gym, but I have a fear of becoming this:

So I just usually end up going back to the elliptical, my trusty friend. Thus, this book's purpose is to help me get better workout ideas, without ending up looking like a female Arnold Schwarzenneger. Have I justified my reading of the book yet? If not, oh well. I'll start on Twilight next week (jk).

Lilacs. My mom and I were at Wal-Mart and these guys came up to her asking her where they could find lilacs. She told them they weren't to be found in a store, but that she could get some from my grandma's house for them if they'd like. So they exchanged numbers, in order to successfully coordinate the lilac delivery. Well, it turns out they got the lilacs on their own. I still hold that they were simply hitting on her (I mean, my mom is pretty hot), but she insists they weren't. It's funny, for the record. I'm waiting for her to get a text from one of them (any plans for tonight?).

Allergies. They stink. I have them. That's about it.

Well, sorry I couldn't come up with anything profound. That was just a journey inside the mind of Anna (a little ADD, I know). So that was worth it, eh?


  1. Body For Life! You know what that reminds of. ;)

  2. Haha. Yes, I do. And, by the way, reading Twilight is one of my anti-goals. Thanks for teaching me about those.

  3. I love your blog banana! Remember our 'off day' on body for life? All I remember is eating pop tarts, apple fritters and Mother's frosted circus cookies until I passed out and/or went into a sugar coma.

  4. Haha so true. I learned how to binge. Oh man, we would eat so much crap. Those were the good days.
