Okay, so I had a really angry post that I wrote while blogger was down, and maybe it's better that it's not posted.
Haha... (nervous laugh)
Anyway, summer is bomb. Let me tell you why.
SUNSHINE. Now, I KNOW I love sunshine... but I think when it's wintery and cold like death I kind of forget just how much I love it. Then I walk outside one day and feel its warm, comforting rays caressing my skin, and I just want to stand there and soak it up FOREVERRRRRRR. There is, seriously, nothing better than that feeling. I have GOT to live in California.. or Florida... or Hawaii... or Texas. Yeah, I think those are my options. I need summer to be the majority of the year. I guess I could go with Ecuador, too.
Sunshine also means that I get a lot of freckles. Now, I used to be annoyed by my freckles. I can't say I ever really HATED them... but I was definitely annoyed by them. I think I've told this anecdote before... but... once I had one of my relatives ask me if I ever tried to wash them off. I think I legitimately thought, for at least half a second, "Will that work??!" Figured that one out pretty quick.
I had another relative, however, tell me they were angel kisses. I like that.
There must be some angels out there that REALLY love me.